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Questions and answers about product bundles

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What is a product bundle?

A product bundle consists of several products that are also available individually from the supermagnete online shop. The bundle is considered a stand-alone product with its own product number. Here at supermagnete, this number always begins with 'BD' which is an abbreviation for 'bundle'.
You will also be able to recognise bundles in the supermagnete shop by the grey icon that is displayed next to the images on the product page. In the example image shown here, you can see what this icon looks like.

What are the advantages of product bundles?

Among other things, product bundles have the following advantages:
  • Price savings: Certain products have a modular build based on the same magnets. For example, FTN-25 and OTN-25 are both constructed with TCN-25. By bundling the purchasing volumes, we can pass on price savings at a 1:1 ratio. This way, you will always benefit from better prices in the future.
  • Availability: Product bundles containing magnets such as pot magnets or magnet systems have a better delivery capacity because, going forward, we no longer have to keep all combinations as stock items (SKU).
  • Compatibility: The products within a bundle perfectly match each other, preventing you from purchasing the wrong items.

What do you need to consider when it comes to bundles?

Partial returns: Please note that partial returns are not possible for bundles. All products in a bundle must be returned in full.
Packaging: In the case of product bundles, the delivered products are individually packaged. Some products will arrive in plastic bags which you can reuse, for example, to store screws, nuts or other small parts. We are currently examining alternative packaging options.

New: Hook magnets and eyelet magnets as bundles – what changes?

The popular hook magnets (product numbers beginning with FTN) and eyelet magnets (product numbers beginning with OTN) are now available as product bundles in our online shop. As a result of this change, the product number for the hook magnets and the eyelet magnets now starts with 'BD', our abbreviation for 'bundle'.
The packaging for the hook and eyelet magnets is also changing. You will now receive the magnets and hooks/eyes packaged separately. For comparison, take a look at the picture, which shows the old packaging on the left and the new packaging on the right.